Word of the Day
Smite (v., SMIGHT)
To strike with a great blow, full of fury and vengence, or to be completely enthralled by something, reeled in by desire and attraction. Both sides can be present in the same relationship.
To strike with a great blow, full of fury and vengence, or to be completely enthralled by something, reeled in by desire and attraction. Both sides can be present in the same relationship.
Hot potatoGrenadeWorking hard or hardly workingFire in the holeGrenade works, sirSpread eagle?
Matthew Betancourt paints miniature impressionist artworks inside Altoid tin covers. The images are often landscapes, and he photographs the finished tin against the backdrop for a fun and fascinating visual:
You can see more of Betancourt's paintings on Instagram.
ArtTiny thingsRomanticismAltoidsGood things, small packagesA man out of time?