The Dailies

Word of the Day

Aped (v., APED)

To imitate something's appearance or behavior, but to do it in a sloppy, thoughtless way. We promise this is not what we do with these definitions each day. Nope. Lots of thought here.

Gif of the Day

TagsLook upWhite on white on whiteBasically four sides whiteMawwaige, that bwessed awwangementDramatic turnYou may now kiss the bride?

Link of the Day

Pete O'Connell's "Rhysonic Wheel" musical instrument

New Zealand musician Pete O'Connell has made an instrument that spins and strums his guitar. Recently, he broke out a new version of it which has multiple wheels, allowing him to play multiple things at once:

You can learn more about the Rhysonic Wheel on Facebook or see additional videos on his YouTube channel.

TagsMusicWheelsNew ZealandLike a record baby, right roundLayers upon layersWould it spin the other way above the equator?