Word of the Day
Dainty (adj./n., DEIGN-tee)
Tiny, delicate, beautiful, overly fastidious, or some combination of all of them. Can also be used to refer to a specific thing that's a delicacy, but that's a tricky meaning. Just use "delicacy."
Tiny, delicate, beautiful, overly fastidious, or some combination of all of them. Can also be used to refer to a specific thing that's a delicacy, but that's a tricky meaning. Just use "delicacy."
BalloonLook out!Buzzing the towerThat was a close oneFzzbzbzzbzbzzzzshoopBedtime antics?
Ri Crawford has been working on a stop-motion animation film for seven years. It's finally done, and it's whimsical and strange all at the same time. Narrated by Tom Waits, it tells the tale of a small crew's last trip to collect milk from the moon:
VideoMilkStop motionOne last jobThe long, hard, stupid wayAccordion to you?