The Dailies

Word of the Day

Frothing (adj., FROTH-ing)

Incensed and angry, like this man about a month ago. Some say that his first ever words were, "Come on, little Alfa." Others say he did the Nürburgring Nordschleife faster than the a Vauxhall Astra. Whatever we know, he's been sacked!

Gif of the Day

This is a ferrofluid lamp, which behaves like a magnetized lava lamp.

Tags FerrofluidScienceLampsMagnetsThings that look like lava lamps

Link of the Day

Wind Maps

Today, we feature two websites: a wind map for the USA and a wind map for the world. Click to zoom.

This is oddly mesmerizing.

Tags NatureWindMapsDiversionsWeb DesignHidden things