The Dailies

Word of the Day

Respite (n., re-SPIT)

The saliva on a tennis ball (or bone or other chew toy) from one's dog, especially if one's dog is a Golden Retriever.

Gif of the Day

Matthew DiVito (a.k.a. mr. div), makes gifs, which you can find on his site.

Tags ArtLightsColorsFantastic voyagesPoor building designsEndlessly looping gifs

Link of the Day

Pac-Man in Google Maps

This is The Forbidden City in China:

To be technically correct, this is Pac-Man playing The Forbidden City in Google Maps, which they've released as a fun diversion for April Fool's Day. Not all neighborhoods work, but you can easily let Google try to find one for you and then get to work eating the pills, dots, and ghosts. Happy searching!

Tags MapsApril Fool'sGooglePac-ManReady Player OneNot a trailer for Pixels