The Dailies

Word of the Day

Sectarian (adj./n., Sekk-TARE-eee-uhn)

Relating to a group, especially a narrow-minded, dogmatic group, or a person who is one of those two things. Always used in reference to someone else because, obviously, they're the sect and we are the absolute truth.

Gif of the Day

Tags AnimalsLemursCombSpa treatmentsThe lifeSearching for my lost shaker of salt

Link of the Day

Inside Abbey Road

Google has been taking more and more footage of cool locations around the world (like the Sistine Chapel), and this time, they've done a very cool interactive tour through the legendary Abbey Road Studios in London.

Abbey Road Studios has been in operation for over eighty years. Musicians such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Paul Robeson have recorded there, and many film scores (including "Return of the Jedi" and "Harry Potter") have been recorded there too. Tl;dr: it's a big deal. And you get to explore its insides and see some of the history. Very, very cool.

Tags MusicRecordingLondonAbbey RoadGoogleAll you need is love