The Dailies

Word of the Day

Bifurcate (v., BYE-fur-Kate)

To divide or separate into two branches. Dividing and separating are two similar but separate things, so the distinction is important.

Gif of the Day

Tags heartSplashingStaged, of courseUnexpected consequencesDon't try this not at homeOh noes

Link of the Day

The Chase

Mike Olbinski went on the road with a small crew for ten days and shot some gorgeous time-lapse videos of storms. The video starts a little slowly but picks up once the dark clouds and storms start rolling in. Full screen and HD is best.

Both chases originated from where I live in Arizona. In April I drove out all night to Colorado, slept maybe an hour, chased all day, got a good night's sleep, chased the next day in the Texas panhandle and drove home that same night, stopping only for a quick nap in New Mexico. The second chase was the same. Left Phoenix late on the evening of May 22nd, never really slept and the chase was on the next day. All in all I drove well over 12,000 miles over the course of those two weeks, visited 10 total states (New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota) and shot over 45,000 frames of footage for this film.

VideoNatureVideoStormsTime-lapse photographyRunLightningPlainsRoad trips

Happy Friday

Deep thoughts from Cookie Monster