The Dailies

Word of the Day

Stentorian (adj., sten-TORE-ee-unn)


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Link of the Day

A hippo about to eat a birthday sandwich

From the New York Times' archive of old photos:

July 12, 1950: The zookeeper Robert Montana cited diet as a key to the longevity of Peter the Great — or, as The Times called him on his 47th birthday at the Bronx Zoo, “Peter the Wondrous Ancient.” A special cocktail of oats, yeast, water, linseed oil meal and other ingredients helped Pete avoid “a long overdue appointment with his ancestors.” He was the oldest hippo in captivity in the world at the time, and his “life has been exemplary. He never has had a girl friend. He was born in Central Park, and the only other hippo with whom has had even a nodding acquaintance was his mother.”

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