The Dailies

Word of the Day

Dilatory (adj., DILL-uh-tore-EE)

We've got a definition for you but it might take a few minutes to load.

It happpens from time to time, y'know?


Really not trying to waste your time.

Ok, here we go: intended to cause delay or slow to act. Sloths, basically.

Gif of the Day

TagsSlideWait for itStill waitingAre you still on there?Seriously?Dilatory peopleK, fine, text me when you're done

Link of the Day

The stargazer fish

The stargazer fish is named for its eyes. They sit on the top of its head and face upwards. This is not so they can look at the stars, though. This is so they can burrow themselves and lunge at fish nearby to eat them:

Yikes. The stargazer fish has been called "the meanest thing in creation" because of its venom and electric shocks (to say nothing of its appearance). It's not hard to see why. But wow, what a stealthy predator. It's even got the black plume of smoke.

Also, this reminds us of another lovely deep-sea predator, the angler fish:

TagsNatureAnimalsFishPredatorsSneaky fish is sneakyMean thingsMy, what large teeth you havePretty, pretty ladies