The Dailies

Word of the Day

Gadder (n., GAD-der)

Someone who moves around restlessly, in search of pleasure or company. A bumblebee, if the bumblebee wasn't concerned about work. College students, on Friday and Saturday nights. What Buzzfeed is designed to make you into.

Gif of the Day

TagsYes, it's RussiaBusesTexting while walkingAdamantiumDon't try this at home, kids

Link of the Day

Soviet arcade games & Globe makers

Great Big Story does well-produced short videos on interesting things, and today, we'll feature two. First up, a look into 1980s Soviet arcade games and how they differed from American ones:

(Side note: that is one of the best YouTube still images we've seen.)

Next, a glimpse into one of the last shops to make globes by hand and the process of making one:

Watch more at

TagsVideoArcadesIn Soviet Russia, arcade plays you!GlobesThe long, hard, stupid way