The Dailies

Word of the Day

Virulent (adj., VIRR-you-lent)

Having a devastating effect or extremely hostile. Important note: something does not need to be said in hostility in order for it to have a devastating effect. We will remember the silence of our friends (or their tired, not-fully-formed words that omit their intended meaning).

Gif of the Day


Link of the Day

Jackie Hill Perry - Miss Fearful

Yo. Jackie Hill Perry's whole album is fire, but the autobiographical track "Miss Fearful" is particularly great. Check it out:

That's some fierce, densely detailed lyrics. The subversion of "Give It Away" is a particularly creative twist. If you want an explanation of some lines, Genius has the lyrics annotated.

TagsMusicJackie Hill PerryArt of JoyGive it AwayLyrical dexterityAutobiography