The Dailies

Word of the Day

Shambolic (adj., sham-BALL-ick)

Chaotic and disorganized, like a birthday party for a two-year-old or the preparations for an Olympic games.

Gif of the Day

TagsDancingFarah FawcettOh heyThrowback TuesdaySunshine among the trees?

Link of the Day

Crown shyness in trees

Take a look at this photo. What jumps out to you?

This is an example of crown shyness, where the leaves and branches of other trees don't touch each other as they grow, leaving gaps in the canopy. There are a few possible explanations for this, but no consensus about its cause. Whatever the case, it's fascinating.

TagsNatureTreesCrown shynessLet the light inSo you knowSquirrel training course?